I’m sorry, I meant, Puck me running (Puck you Miss), but dagnabbit, when’s the change gon’ come? Seems I am succumbing to the end of my head’s threads.
My menial mental fibers find no gaps to synapse…I engage only in flightless fantasies, void of the toys and boyhood aspirations of doing it BIG
Clipped wings? Pssh, I mislead my own two feet; even pedestrian dreams now slowly stroll away from me.
Where did the moonshine’s magnificence migrate? Warmer waters out west way, with the Internet they say. There’s enough world wide web and lunar lumiere out there for everyone. Far as the mind’s eye can see, by opened dares to believe that you can connect with someone in Vietnam for a quickie of Mortal Kombat.
You ssshtupid sshon of a bitch…
Which gets me to thinking…I don’t think nearly enough nowadays.
-I’m a dumbass.-The term is Dumass.
-No, it’s poofter, a perfect prism of pitifully past due potential…
Oh, get on with, you fucking wanker.
Alright, I'll wager, meh, merely a small sentiment for those still suffering through these rants and rambles: I attest that I can get out of this flim flam floozy of a mind toozy. Right the ship, no more with this stupid shit...you know, finesse the -ness again. Get back to doing the deeds and do's that ease the blues, ya heard?!?!?
Word, bird.
It’s not all for none and dropped the ball. Nothing is fucked here Dude. Everybody knows, it’s all about the Redemption Song. Bootstraps and callbacks and falling into place. Realizing the wrongs and fixing broke remains. Who knows what kind of magic the moments bring if you don’t live em? So I’ll give in. Take a leap of faith, face the music of the change.
It’s a quite wonderful ascension into the clouds. Don't I know it. These are the tunes that take your breath away. These are the days that I've been missing. Give me the taste, give me the joy of feeling fine.